Best Ways to Keep Door Laminate As Good as New

When renovating a commercial or residential space, selecting the right door laminate design is critical to achieving the desired look. Even premium door laminates, like other market options, can be damaged and stained, resulting in high maintenance costs. To avoid wear and tear that damages door laminates, it is therefore critical to clean and maintain them properly, even after installation. If you're looking for premium laminates for doors, look no further than Kajaria's door laminates Collection. In this blog, we will discuss three simple ways to keep door laminates looking like new. Continue reading. 1- Wipe the Surface Regularly Laminate for walls , as well as any other surface, are extremely simple to clean and maintain. Simply wiping the surface of door laminates with a soft, lint-free cloth twice a week will keep them looking as good as new. Cleaning doors with a wet or damp cloth can remove the sheen from the top layer of laminate. A vacuum cleaner can also be used t...